
Aleko Tskitishvili

Executive Director
Human Rights Center operatively gets involved in all cases of grave human rights violations, where the state, as an institutional system, acts against a citizen and if the citizen is particularly vulnerable and unprotected. With it, the organization defends the rights not only of that particular person, but the interests of the entire society.

Giorgi Nanuashvili, Head of board

Giorgi Kakubava, Deputy Executive Director

Nestan Londaridze, Deputy Executive on Legal Issues

Eka Kobesashvili, Head of the Legal Aid

For years, the HRC lawyersdefend legal interests of theprisoners in various institutions.The convicted people contact the lawyersover the phone or send letters to theorganization. Having studied the specific needs of the applicants andgravity of their problems, the lawyers meet prisoners in penitentiaryestablishments to plan advocacy of their cases. With the legal aid providedby the HRC lawyers many prisoners received adequate medical aid andimproved the state of their rights in the penitentiary establishments.In 2019, the HRC representatives visited many prisoners in thepenitentiary establishments. The analysis of the problems revealed that thestate of human rights and their access to adequate medical aid are still achallenge.

Tamar Tordinava, PR Manager of HRC.


Ucha Nanuashvili, Consultant

Nino Tlashadze, Project Coordinator

Nino Chaladze, Legal Analyst

Tsismari Bablidze, Financial Manager

Aleksi Merebashvili, Lawyer

Coordinator of the HRC Shida Kartli office
Shida Kartli office of Human Rights Center is composed of a lawyer, a journalist and an intern-lawyer. Most problems the citizens apply to us for help are: social disputes, penalties issued by patrol police, unlawful activities of the police, problems of the people living alongside the dividing line, the problems of the IDPs and conflict affected population, problems related with the registration of property, family disputes, domestic violence cases, labor disputes with the public institutions and loans with financial companies or private creditors. We try to assist everybody but due to limited resources we cannot get involved in all cases. However, we issue legal consultations to all beneficiaries.

Lia Khuroshvili, Coordinator of the HRC Kakheti office

Irma Mamasakhlisi, IT Manager

Tamar Kurtauli, Lawyer/Monitor

Karlo Sherazadishvili, Lawyer/Monitor

Ana Jabauri, Project Coordinator/Monitoring Team Lead

Matilda Chakaberia, Project Manager

Ana Chapidze, HRC Lawyer in West Georgia.