With the initiative of Human Rights Center, Caucasus Environmental NGO Network (CENN), Ana Dolidze and Progress Center, the campaign “Swim Safe” has been in progress since 2018. The Campaign will unify civil society organizations and civil activists and will fight against mortality of citizens in the water bodies in Georgia. The Campaign aims to increase government’s responsibility and raise public awareness.
In Georgia, during summer seasons, tens citizens die in the sea, artificial water reservoirs, lakes and rivers every year. Artificially arranged recreation zones in the water bodies are the problem, where service of rescue teams is not provided and citizens are not protected. The places, where swimming is prohibited, are particularly dangerous but the state and private companies do not keep those sites adequately protected with solid barriers and often there are no warning banners either.
The Campaign initiators held several warning, information and protest actions in Tbilisi and various citizens. They met the leaders of the cities and public servants, school students. Together with the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum National Platform of Georgia, the Campaign advocated the legislative amendments with the parliament and government members. The report and policy document were developed with respective recommendations.
Campaign “Swim Safe” calls on the Government of Georgia to take concrete steps to improve the legislation and to ensure safety of citizens in the water bodies.